The New Collar Network project was founded by educators, employers, and visionaries who want to reimagine traditional education to transform our communities with well-paying, engaging jobs without
a college degree.
It is part of the non-profit North American Digital Fabrication Alliance [NADFA], based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. NADFA’s 501(c)3 status was granted by the U.S. IRS in 2018 and the organization is open to anyone or any organization interested in furthering digital fabrication training and lifelong learning in North America. To that end, NADFA is the issuing body for Digital Badges for New Collar jobs skills such as operating 3D printers or repairing robots.
Founding members include:
- Fab Lab Baltimore at the Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville, MD
- Fab Lab El Paso, El Paso, TX
- Fab Lab Hub, Santa Fe, NM
- Lorain County Community College, Lorain, OH
- Fab Lab Tulsa, Tulsa, OK
- Incite Focus, Detroit, MI
- MakerspaceCT, Hartford, CT
- The 3D Printing Store, Denver, CO
- Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH

In addition to Founding Members, new members include:
- Cruces Creatives, Las Cruces, NM
- Los Alamos Makers, Los Alamos, NM
- Lemelson-MIT Invent Program, Cambridge, MA
- Santa Fe Community College Dept. of Continuing Education, Santa Fe, NM
Middle School Mini-badges
with America Makes
Micro-learning Modules