Santa Fe Mayor Alan Webber Presenting Best in Show Award to jewelry artist Mayte Cardenas
at New Collar Innovation Center Grand Opening

Support New Collar Workforce Training Here! 


You’ll be helping high school & post-secondary students, Covid-displaced workers, & entrepreneurs find meaningful, fun, engaging, well-paying jobs without a college degree


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below WITHOUT $ sign. 


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New Collar Programs include:

  • scholarships for digital badge micro-certifications
  • internships
  • US Dept. of Labor registered apprenticeships for on-the-job training as well as pre-apprenticeships for high school students
  • online training for rural students that includes drop-shipping entry-level 3D Printers
  • Design thinking, prototyping, customer-centric design, and more for entrepreneurs

US Dept of Labor Registered 3D Printing Apprentices Working on Design for
Paralyzed Bunny Wheelchair