Ditch Degrees! discover how alternative programs from MIT, Harvard, and Community Colleges are leading the way to well-paying, engaging New Collar Jobs


a practical guide for high school and post-secondary students, displaced workers, incumbent workers, and anyone interested in finding a path to an engaging, well-paying career without a college degree.

PRE-Publication Order
SHIPPING September 2023


Yesterday’s blue collar jobs are now digital New Collar jobs. But while it takes borderline genius techies to invent new tools like 3D Printers, robotics, cybersecurity, AI, and lasers, there is a huge need for people like us to program, operate, maintain, and yes, repair these disruptive technologies. In dental offices, operating rooms, retail stores, warehouses, 21st century factories, and other workplaces, new machines are part of everyday activities. Plus, just as specially trained technicians service our large scale 2D paper printers in corporate offices, 21st century technicians keep lasers, robots, drones, and other digital tools functioning.

While these jobs do require specialized training, usually a college degree is not needed. Pause and let that sink in.
The answer to a great career may not be a degree!

Yes, the world is changing and the old idea that you go from high school to a 2 or 4-year degree program may not be the best route to making it in life. There are many other options that have been pushed aside in favor of college degrees.

Let’s explore how to tap into viable, proven alternatives to college that provide skills at little or no cost to the student.

I want to introduce you to a multitude of pathways to a well-paying, engaging New Collar Job – without the time, money, or time commitment of a college degree. Yes, that is not only very possible, but thousands of people are making it happen right now and employers are welcoming them with open arms.

By the end of this book, you’ll be fully equipped to start your own New Collar journey. 


PRE-Publication Order
SHIPPING September 2023



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